Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Your Worth ...

People need benchmarks: things to compare their experiences to, be they monumental or inconsequential. We change our benchmarks from our parents to our role models, our friends… anyone who is walking a path similar enough through the foliage that you do not lose your way. But when you're alone, when solitude is forced upon you and there is no one from whom to gauge your worth, you make your own benchmark.
The truth is that we need these comparisons because moralities, ethics, every one of our reasons for living, revolve around what someone would think looking at our life, with varying degrees of omniscience. And when you find yourself washed up on some distant shore you may find yourself with an imaginary friend who will judge you, or wasting your very last strength hewing your story into rock walls so one day, someone may find it, and look upon your life, and measure your worth.

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